Tuesday, March 14, 2006

China Friends

People see people everyday on the streets. How people of these people you see actually become your friend? I have a strong belief, that to meet a stranger is no big deal, to turn that meeting into a friendship is Fate, to turn the friendship into a long lasting friendship is effort.

i'm happy to have luck and fate during my stay in china. I had made very good friends. This is my biggest return for this trip.

人们看见人每天在街道。您看见这人民的人们实际上怎么成为您的朋友吗? 我有强的信仰, 那遇见陌生人是没有什么大不了的事, 可是 见面入友谊是缘分, 把友谊变成持久友谊是努力。

我愉快有运气和缘分,在我的逗留期间在瓷,我交了非常好朋友。这是我 出差 的最大的回归。

留下的是遗憾,带走的却 是美丽的回忆和友谊

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