Tuesday, March 14, 2006

China Friends

People see people everyday on the streets. How people of these people you see actually become your friend? I have a strong belief, that to meet a stranger is no big deal, to turn that meeting into a friendship is Fate, to turn the friendship into a long lasting friendship is effort.

i'm happy to have luck and fate during my stay in china. I had made very good friends. This is my biggest return for this trip.

人们看见人每天在街道。您看见这人民的人们实际上怎么成为您的朋友吗? 我有强的信仰, 那遇见陌生人是没有什么大不了的事, 可是 见面入友谊是缘分, 把友谊变成持久友谊是努力。

我愉快有运气和缘分,在我的逗留期间在瓷,我交了非常好朋友。这是我 出差 的最大的回归。

留下的是遗憾,带走的却 是美丽的回忆和友谊

Saturday, March 4, 2006

Shanghai Botanic Garden

Month of Feb had been a very busy one, the GDCC project takes up alot of time and energy, the project has meet its time line and everything has gone quite smooth.
二月是一非常繁忙一个, GDCC 项目占去时间和能量 很多, 项目有集会它的时间线并且一切是相当光滑。

Now its time for the most deadful task- documentation. I have so much documention not done yet. Luckily for me, Harry is willing to burn his Sat and come help me work on the manuals. The weather today is perfect, its bright and sunny.............after thinking for a while, i decided to drag him to the botanic garden because it was written in the Shanghai Daily papers that the flowers(tao hua) is blooming.
现在它的时刻为可怕 任务--文献。我还有 档案 没做。幸运地为我, 李鹏 是愿意牺牲他的星期六并且来帮助我。天气今天是阳光普照, 它明亮并且晴朗的.............想 了一阵子, 我决定扯拽 李鹏 到 植物园因为 报纸 写在上海植物园 桃 花树开花。

However, when we are there, we never saw any Tao hua, but saw Mei Hua (Plum Blossom) instead. The smell of the flowers is so sweet smelling. And the garden is so huge and beautiful.
但是, 当我们在那里, 我们改为从未看见了任一陶花树, 但有 梅花 树 (开花) 。花的气味是那么甜嗅到。并且庭院是很巨大和美丽的。

李鹏的杰作 Harry's photo shot.