Sunday, January 29, 2006

Chinese New Year

Today, we welcome the Year of the Dog, sending away the Year of the Chicken. alot of politicans (well, i saw from the news from tv) believe that this is a good year for world economics. Lets hope so, increase pay increase pay INCREASE PAY!

Here are some shots of chinatown during the festive season, i took them a few weeks ago. See how busy Chinatown is.

This is a delicacy for the Cantonese folks. its actually preserve duck and chicken(i think)
there's preserve sasuages as well.

This is my favourite flower for CYN. its called "Ying Liu", i like to call it the cotton bud plant, cos when it blooms, it looks like little cotton bud on the stem.

My mum wanted to buy fake flowers for CYN deco but i insist we must have the cotton bud plant. So here some of my house's deco.

Pinapples means "Ong Lai", which means "Wealth coming"

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