Saturday, November 1, 2008

Perth RedBull Air Show 08

This is the 1st time I had been to a Redbull Air Show and I'm quite impressed by it. Its bloody warm though. Its very exciting to have the planes flew over above you.

Be sure to head out early if you want to go for the show next year because parking is quite a headache.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Perth Royal Show 08

This is my absolute favourite event of the year. It's a fantastic show at Clarmont showground which last for a week. There's plenty to keep you busy the entire day, ranging from animal shows and judging (my favourite is the sheepdog demostration), there's display of cakes deco (depending on the theme), transportation display, free food tasting, horse riding demostration and not to forget shopping for showbags!!!
When the sun sets, get yourself a good spot and watch the amazing fireworks which last about 15mins and there's still time to go around on the fun rides and games stalls! What a fantastic day!

tickets cost $25 at door, you can get it cheaper from IGA or RAC (if you are a member).

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Western Australia - Tulip Araluen Park

Spring's here....and the tulips are blooming. Enterance fee $10.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


It's my birthday and I had decided to go something dangerous and pump with adrenaline for my last 2x birthday. Since I refuse to do bungy jumping, the next closest I can think of is skydiving.

unfortunately, its all weather dependant for this sport and today aint the brightest and sunniest day you can find in winter. We just have to go and give it a try.

There is a lot of preparation work to do before hand. Because I am doing a tandem(meaning the guy who knows it all will jump off the plane "carrying" you), the instructor had to show me what are my "tasks", like lifting up my legs when we land and having a banana shape after we jump off the plane. We had to practice that for a few times to get familar. Next is to put on the gear....not the most stylish wear you can get.

The photos from here onwards required an additional fee of hundred ++ (can't remember). Because i'm getting it all capture in DVD, I get an additional person to go into the plane and all she does is to have a great time and take pictures and videos of me. How cool is such job???
Looking out of the plane
getting ready to jump out of the plane
the best part i reckon is the free falling, which only last about 7-10secs, trust feels like my face is being massage by 10000hands!!!!
Thumbs up!!! .............................. Great landing!

How can we forget about Craig. He's taking his lessons on how to jump.

That's Craig landing, see how dark the sky is.
And yes, i'm a happy birthday girl :)