Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Perth Royal Show 2010

Once again, the Perth Royal Show has come to town.

This year, we got there as early we can (could have been earlier of cos) to get good parking spaces but as usual, they are all nabbed up by the early birds.

A big bulk of the show is very similar to the year before with just some small changes spotted.

Pigs are allowed in this year show (banned last year due to swine flu). I bet the pigs are happy to be included.

Animal nursery /McDonald farm is always a popular one with the old and young

these ducklings were chasing flies!

ducklings with a bantam hen!

Agriculture and Food showcase the different types of produce WA has, categorize in different regions.A good educational section.

Poultry and Pigeons section caught our attention last year and this year it's on our "to see" list.It show case the different breeds of poultry (chooks, ducks, geese) and pigeons and there some odd looking ones!!

a male pigeon showing off

duck or chicken??

Be amazed by the different breeds of chooks!

 Silkie (Bantam)

Possibly a Phoenix
where is its eyes???

hamster chook??

i like frizzles

Australorp-aussie breed and they are huge!! with beautiful eyes

naked chest chicken (seriously, that's is the breed)

Here comes the ducks

Crested Rouen. now that's a beauty


Indian Runners

And there's actually a program called the Dancing Ducks! where this guy dresses up his (Indian Runner)ducks and make them do a cat walk! I wonder if this constitute to animal abuse?

Wood chopping events. One of the better programs in the show.


Rare performance of the Australia Army Band from Perth and Melbourne.

and of cos, to end the day with spectacular fireworks display!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

PIXAR Movie 'UP'

We went to watch the movie this morning at Hoytes Cannington. Love watching movies at hours where there's the least crowd.

I am an absolute fan of PIXAR movies and once again, PIXAR has not disappoint me at all. The movie UP is a touching, funny and meaningful additional to the great movies PIXAR had done. It tells the story of how an old man failed to realise his beloved wife's dreams when she was still alive and one day, decided to go for it. He floats his entire house on balloons and went after the promise he made to his wife who had passed away. I shall not give away too much because this movie is definately worth seeing. (In the cinemas!)

Moral of the story I had learnt is that you will find true happiness when you finally learn to let go.

To PIXAR: Well done again!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Perth Royal Show 2009

Another fantastic event of the year.

I have decided not to take any pictures this year because 1. its will be raining and 2. I have decided to purely enjoy myself without have to capture everything I see.

Showbags variety is rather disappointing this year, which is good for my wallet. Only bought 3 showbags and one of them is Woman's Weekly, which is rather disappointing.

First time ever, watching fireworks in the rain. Not a warm experience but still a memorable one :)

till next year's show......

Sunday, May 3, 2009

WA Guide Dog Open House

I had never been to such event before so this will be quite an eye opener for me.
The Guide dogs are not supported by the WA government, so any donation will be good.

There are events for the young and old throughout the entire day. We went after lunch time and were just in time for the guide dog training demostration. After which, we attended a talk conducted by one of the guide dogs trainer. There are so much that I didn't know about guide dogs.....

Obedience training demo
Lab pups....


 Guess how many hotdogs did Craig has......?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Large Sunflowers

Out of all the sunflowers I had grown, this one had turned out to be growing the best...It has more than one flower bud and its still blooming....absolutely stunning!